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Fencing Maintenance During Different Seasons

Maintaining your fence is an important aspect of homeownership, ensuring not only the aesthetic appeal of your property but also its functionality and longevity.


Wood fencing in backyard.


One aspect of fence maintenance is understanding how the changing seasons can have a significant impact on the condition of your fence.


Fences are exposed to a wide range of environmental elements, from scorching summer sun and heavy rain to freezing winter temperatures and gusty autumn winds. Each season brings its unique challenges that can affect your fence in various ways.


In this blog post, we will share the steps and strategies you need to take during each season to keep your fence in excellent condition, extending its lifespan and preserving its appearance. Whether you're a new homeowner or a seasoned pro, this guide will provide you with valuable insights into maintaining your fence throughout the year.


At Resolut Construction, we specialize in all things fencing. Recognized in the Waterloo Region and beyond for quality and timeless workmanship, we have been building premium residential and commercial deck and fence projects for the past 30 years. If you’re planning to install a new fence in the near future or would like your existing one looked at, don’t hesitate to reach out. We will gladly come to assist with your project!



Fall Fence Maintenance

Proper fall fence maintenance ensures that your fence can endure the challenges of winter, including freezing temperatures, snow, and strong winds, while also maintaining its aesthetic appeal.


Taking these steps will contribute to the long-term durability of your fence and help protect your investment in your property.


Prepare for Winter


Fall is the perfect time to prepare your fence for the impending winter weather.

Start by inspecting the entire fence for any signs of damage or wear that may have developed over the year.

Look for loose boards, nails, or screws that need tightening or replacing.
Check for any gaps or cracks that could allow moisture to seep in during winter rains or snow.


Dealing with Leaves and Debris


Falling leaves and debris can accumulate around and, on your fence, causing potential problems. Regularly clear leaves, branches, and other debris away from the base of the fence. This prevents moisture buildup and minimizes the risk of rot or decay at the fence's base.


Addressing Fading Paint or Stain


If your fence has been painted or stained, fall is a suitable time to assess its condition. Fading or peeling paint can leave the wood exposed to the elements, increasing the risk of damage. Consider repainting or re-staining the fence to provide protection.


Make sure to choose a dry, mild day for this task to allow for proper drying and adhesion of the paint or stain.


Reinforce for Harsh Weather


Fall is a critical time to reinforce your fence to withstand the harsh conditions of winter.

  • Inspect posts for stability and secure any that have become loose. Replace any severely damaged posts.

  • Check the fence's overall structural integrity, especially if you live in an area prone to strong winds or heavy snowfall.

  • Consider adding additional support, such as braces or tension wires, to strengthen the fence against winter weather.


Consider Protective Coatings


Applying a protective coating, such as a weather-resistant sealant or a waterproofing finish, can be a wise move in the fall. These coatings help to shield the wood from moisture and the freezing-thawing cycles of winter. Make sure the fence is clean and dry before applying any protective coatings for the best results.



Winter Fence Maintenance

Winterizing your fence is essential to protect it from the harsh conditions of the season. Winter brings freezing temperatures, snow, ice, and moisture, all of which can wreak havoc on your fence.


Snow on ledge of deck railing in backyard.


Without proper winterization, your fence may experience structural damage, warping, rotting, or paint and stain deterioration. Winterizing helps extend the life of your fence and ensures it remains both functional and visually appealing.


Preventing Damage from Snow, Ice, and Freezing Temperatures

  • Inspect for Weaknesses: Before winter arrives, inspect your fence for any pre-existing weaknesses, such as loose boards or damaged sections. Repair these areas to prevent them from worsening during the cold season.

  • Waterproofing: Consider applying a waterproofing sealant to wooden fences. This creates a barrier against moisture and prevents wood from absorbing water and subsequently freezing and expanding.

  • Protective Coatings: Touch up any areas of chipped or peeling paint or stain. Fresh coatings provide an extra layer of protection against winter weather.

  • Snow Clearance: Regularly remove snow from the fence, especially if it accumulates heavily. The weight of snow can strain the fence structure, leading to bending or collapse.


Tips for Clearing Snow Around the Fence Safely

  • Use the Right Tools: Use plastic or rubber-edged snow shovels to avoid scratching or damaging the fence's surface.

  • Shovel Away from the Fence: When shovelling, direct the snow away from the fence to prevent it from piling up against it.

  • Avoid Harsh Chemicals: Refrain from using de-icing chemicals near the fence, as these can potentially corrode or damage the materials.

  • Gentle Snow Removal: Be gentle when removing snow to avoid knocking into the fence or applying excessive pressure.



Spring Fencing Upkeep

Spring is a critical time for fence maintenance as it follows the harsh conditions of winter.


Add the following tasks to your quarterly fence maintenance:

  • Thorough Cleaning: Begin by giving your fence a thorough cleaning. Use a hose or pressure washer to remove built-up dirt, grime, and mildew.

  • Inspect for Damage: Conduct a detailed inspection of the entire fence. Look for any signs of damage, such as loose boards, cracked posts, or peeling paint.

  • Assess Structural Integrity: Check the fence's overall structural integrity, ensuring it's still upright and stable.

  • Clear Debris: Remove any remaining leaves, branches, or debris that may have accumulated over the winter.


Tips on Cleaning, Inspecting, and Repairing the Fence


Cleaning Tips
  • Use a mild detergent or specialized fence cleaner for stubborn stains.

  • Scrub gently to avoid damaging the wood or finish.


Inspection Tips
  • Pay close attention to joints, screws, and nails that may have been affected by winter moisture or freezing temperatures.

  • Inspect for signs of rot or decay, particularly at the base of wooden posts.

  • Look for loose or missing hardware, such as brackets or hinges.


Repair Tips
  • Replace any damaged or rotted wood promptly to prevent further deterioration.
  • Tighten loose screws, nails, or bolts.
  • Sand rough or splintered areas and repaint or re-stain as needed.


Addressing Winter Damage


It is imperative to address any winter damage right away. Unresolved winter damage can worsen over time, leading to more extensive and costly repairs. Timely repairs and maintenance in the spring can extend the life of your fence and prevent further deterioration.



Summer Fence Care

Summer presents its own set of challenges for fence maintenance, including:


Sun rays peeking through tree leaves.


  • Intense Sun Exposure: The summer sun can be harsh on fences, causing paint to fade and wood to dry out and crack.

  • High Humidity and Moisture: Depending on your location, summer can also bring high humidity and occasional rain showers, which can lead to mold, mildew, and rot.

  • Insect Activity: Insects such as termites and carpenter ants are more active during the warmer months and can cause damage to wooden fences.


Protecting the Fence from Sun and Moisture


Here are a few ways you can safeguard your fence from the summer elements:

  • Use Sunscreen for Your Fence: Apply a UV-resistant sealant or finish to protect the wood from sun damage. This helps prevent fading, cracking, and drying.

  • Regular Inspection: Periodically inspect the fence for signs of rot, mold, or mildew, and address these issues promptly.

  • Control Moisture: Ensure proper drainage around the fence to prevent water from pooling at the base, which can lead to rot. Trim any overhanging branches that might drip water onto the fence.

  • Consider Shade Options: If possible, provide shade for your fence, either through strategically planted trees or with shade cloth or screens.


Painting or Staining Options in Summer

  • Painting: Summer is a suitable time for painting as the warm and dry weather allows for quick drying. However, paint can trap moisture in the wood, so proper preparation and priming are essential.

  • Staining: Staining is an excellent option for wood fences as it enhances the natural grain while providing protection. Summer's warmth allows stains to penetrate the wood effectively.

  • Choose the Right Products: It is important to use high-quality, weather-resistant paint or stain products to ensure long-lasting results.


Regular Maintenance Routine

Incorporate regular maintenance into your summer cleaning routine. This includes:

  • Cleaning: Periodically clean the fence to remove dirt, dust, and any signs of mold or mildew.

  • Inspection: Regularly inspect the fence for damage, loose components, or signs of insect activity.

  • Repairs: Address any issues promptly, whether it's tightening hardware, replacing damaged boards, or addressing insect infestations.



Final Thoughts

Year-round fence care is a commitment to the longevity and aesthetics of your property's enclosure. Regardless of the season, there are essential maintenance tasks to undertake consistently.


Regular inspections are essential, as they allow you to promptly identify issues such as loose boards, deteriorating finishes, or signs of rot or insect damage.


Keeping the fence clean and free of vegetation is important to maintain its structural integrity and appearance. Removing dirt, debris, and overgrown plants not only enhances the fence's curb appeal but also prevents moisture buildup, which can lead to rot and other forms of damage over time. By following these year-round care practices, you can ensure your fence remains not only a functional barrier but also a lasting and attractive asset to your property.


Something we recommend to our customers is to schedule a recurring quarterly maintenance day in their calendar and tackle all things landscaping that day. Keep this blog post handy as a checklist for your next maintenance day!


At Resolut Construction, we specialize in all things fencing. Recognized in the Waterloo Region and beyond for quality and timeless workmanship, we have been building premium residential and commercial deck and fence projects for the past 30 years. If you’re planning to install a new fence in the near future or would like your existing one looked at, don’t hesitate to reach out. We will gladly come assist with your project!




Nunzio Romeo at 10:04 AM
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Name: Nunzio Romeo
Posts: 26
Last Post: July 10, 2024

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